Sunday, 10 October 2010

Choose A Different Ending Campaign.

Another campaign I have recently found is the ‘choose a different ending’ campaign. It is a playlist of interactive videos on YouTube that allows the viewer to pick what path they go down. For example take the knife or don’t take the knife, go to the fight or go to your friends’ house, ECT. It allows the viewer to see the consequences of their actions if they make the wrong choices. It is a clever way to raise awareness and get the youth involved in the anti-knife crime campaigns. There are over 30 videos, each for a different choice of what to do, and all leading to different outcomes, some good, and some bad.
I know that these videos were a success, and focused on these videos when I was preparing my script, I looked at the body language, the way in which the characters talk and the costume the characters wore. I then enforced similar costumes, body language and “slang” onto my characters and script.

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