Thursday 23 September 2010

Developing My Idea.

The agenda of my short film is to raise awareness of joint enterprise, knife crime and gangs as there is an increase in prosecution against gangs using the law of joint enterprise. I want to try and move away from the typical anti-knife crime ads, as there are so many similar ones. Instead of just boys I am going to use both boys and girls, so it will appeal to both sexes and hopefully grab their attention as it is from their genders perspective. It will be a mass audience, although it focuses on youth crime, it will appeal to most youths and also parents may be intrested. Although I don’t have a solid script yet, I do know certain angles, shots and editing techniques that I would like to use, such as point of view shots, split screen and time stretching when relevant. Also using Tzvetan Todorov narrative theory, I may start my short film with the death of some (who has been stabbed), and then unravel all the events that led to this circumstance, then using the dead body at the end. Or start showing the characters talking into the camera, this will then flashback to what happend originally. And at the end the camera will zoom out and the audeience will see that the characters were convicted and found guilty.

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