Wednesday 17 November 2010

Film Review Layout - Analysis.

Alice In Wonderland:
 The layout for this Alice in Wonderland review is very simple. There is a large image on the top half of the page goes across both pages, this image has all the characters from the film with very bold and bright colours. This of course represents the film; it is an adventure fantasy film for the family, both the children and adults. The valiant colours make the image stand out from the page, this grabs the reader to instantly look at this image, and they would then go on to read the text underneath it. There is no specific layout for the text it is just aligned to the left and is read normal like one page then the other. It then has the official release date and who the film is by (Disney).

The twilight layout is much different to the Alice in Wonderland layout. This double page spread starts with a catchy slogan as the header, it then has an image of a reel of film behind this. The layout of the text is in three columns, and is fixed around images that are placed in the review. There is a lot of text, which isn’t always a good thing; too much text can make a reader bored. However the use of a couple images does mean the review looks nicer and makes there seem like there isn’t as much text, which could encourage the reader to read. There are three relevant images from the film or about the film (the book) placed around the page, one to the far right and two smaller images to the left. The text is mainly written in the same black font, however some text (such has the header) is in a different font, and some words are in red. This cleverly keeps to the theme of the cover of the book, which is black, white and red.

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